222 16th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215
Operating Hours: 8 AM - 5:30 PM

Morning care & Extended Care is available


Complete Immunization records must be on file prior to your child’s first day of enrollment. * An updated medical form for every new vaccine received is mandatory.

LPD Illness & Sick Policy

If your child has any of the following:

  • Rash/HFMD (if the rash gets worse, is itchy or quickly spreads after the initial date/time of notice)
  • Fever (100 F) axillary temperature *(99.9 or higher for Young Infants w/ symptoms)
  • Excessive cough/cold symptoms/runny nose with signs of illness
  • Conjunctivitis/ Discharge from eyes
  • Lice, nits, scabies, fleas or ringworm
  • Persistent/Excessive crying for long periods
  • Lethargy/Extremely Irritable
  • Difficult breathing/Mouth sores w/drooling
  • Vomiting/Diarrhea/Flu symptoms (2-3 watery BM’s or 2 vomits in 24 hours)
  • Any Communicable-Diseases

Your Child Will Be Sent Home

If a child is ill from any kind of communicable disease or fever, they must return symptom free and has been fever free for 24 hours. If your child has had any contagious conditions/infections please inform the Daycare, this will help prevent the spread/outbreak of the infection or illness to the other children and staff. *You must also return with a note from your Child’s Doctor that gives clearance to return back to Daycare.

*For the Health and Safety of your Child, Staff and all of the Children in our Daycare, please do not bring your child to daycare sick. We can only care for children with mild cold-like symptoms that are otherwise feeling and acting well/ normal behaviors. Mild cold-like symptoms; light runny nose (getting better by the day), mild cough, and a low grade fever with no other symptoms. If a child becomes ill during daycare hours the parents will be contacted to pick up their child. Parents need to pick up their children within one hour of being notified. If Parents can not be reached, the emergency contact person(s) will be notified.

Lil Polliwog’s Daycare Sick Policy
Revised 1/2024

kids with their moms playing with legos